About SSSP
Single Source Shortest Path Problem(SSSP)
given a Graph G=(V,E) and Starting vertex S,
find Shortest Path from S to v in V(set of vertices)
- Problem: find a SP from A to B
- MODEL: a weighted graph G=(V,E) function f: E(sequence of edges) → R find the minimum R(total cost = min weight)
- Solution Algs: Dijkstra alg(non-negative edge weight) Bellman-Ford alg(negative edges)
Negative edge가 있는 경우,
negative edge cycle이 있을 수 있다. 이런 경우는 최단 경로를 찾지 못한다.
그래서 만약 negative edge가 있다면 , 알고리즘이 negative weight cycle을 찾아서
detect/report 해야한다.
Dijkstra Alg.
No negative weight edge SSSP.
From a starting vertex S → find SSSP.
Idea: repeatedly select u in v-s(vertices set) with minimum SP, add u to S, relax all edges out of u.
Extract min —> design DP(X), Greedy(O)
Time complexity: O(n^2), |V|=n → O(v^2) —> could be better using Heap(beyond scope)
Bellman-Ford Alg.
Negative cycle problem → detect and report*** SP is indeterminant!!
Dijktra and Bellman-Ford
- Dijkstra: find the closest v from S → relax → …
- B-F: simple relax all edges for |V|-1 time Adj matrix updated repeatedly
구현 난이도:
B-F(easy) » Dijkstra
Time complexity:
B-F O(VE) < Dijkstra O(n^2=V^2)
E | = n(n-1)/2 → O(VE) = O(n^3) |
Negative weight cycle:
B-F(O), Dijkstra(X)
Design perspective:
- Djikstra: Greedy design
- Bellman-Ford: DP design subproblem: SP v→t, update edge 1개, 2개, 3개…
MIT Lec 15 lecture note
G(V,E,W) W,E → R
V: vertices
E: edges
W: weights