1 minute read

Why Greedy algorithm important?

  1. natural, simple, fast/easy implemetation: heuristic idea
  2. Test-bed: baseline performance 제공 <기준점>
  • 우리가 새로운 문제들을 접할 때 연구자들이 가장 먼저 접근하는 설계 전략
  • 정밀도/정확도 accuracy 향상, 속도 증가, model size 감소
  1. maybe “optimal”: optimal substructure
  • local optimal —> global optimal: proof required

Constraint Optimization Problem

Constrained Combinational Optimization Problem

S = {item1, item2, …, itemn} //문제 구성요소, object

w_i = {weight1, weight2, …, weightn}

p_i = {profit1, profit2, …, profitn}

W = sack size(limited)

⇒ Find A(a subset of S) such that

  1. maximizes the profits in A
  2. sum of the weights in A ≤ W

알고싶은 것은 maximum profit!!!

0/1 Knapsack problem

To solve the knapsack problem

  1. BF: 2^n enumeration
  2. D&C: optimal을 찾을 수 있는가? optimal but inefficient?
  3. DP: 가장 적절!!
  4. Greedy: Only fractional knapsack problem(남은 sack에 item을 나누어서 일부만 담을 수 있는 경우) 에서만 optimal solution 을 제공한다!!

Design: recurrence equation(recursive property)

  1. 1-D Array enough? X. information about W, weight required!
  2. 2-D Array is required! then…

p[i,w] = max 1) p[i-1,w] 2) p[i-1,w] + p_i

Okay with this? ⇒ N.

Proper and Delicate thinking is required

p[i,w] = max 1) p[i-1,w] → item_i is not selected 2) p[i-1,w-w_i] + p_i → item_i is selected

*Trick of DP: index from 0. 직전정보가 필요하기 때문!!


Time Complexity

T(n,W) = theta(1)_nw //TC for each subproblem _ #subproblem

→ T(n,W) = O(nW), specifically theta(nW)

→ if W is huge(real number) ⇒ terrible performance

→ polynomial time complexity: depends on input size ‘n’

→ W value: depends on numeric value of input W

→ pseudo polynomial time complexity

To improve this, came up with an idea,

do not need to compute all elements in p[i,w]

⇒ DP optimization(implementation)

Final TC: min{O(nW), O(2^n)}

Why this problem happened?

문제의 난이도가 다르기 때문!!

knapsack problem은 매우 어려운 문제이다. » sort, search, cmm

So what?

We need new approach!!! → backtracking, branch and bound