2 minute read

DP gives optimal solution but not practical in fields

Sprit of Greedy Algorithm

알고리즘을 디자인 하는 사람마다 그리디 설계는 달라질 수 있다.

실생활의 문제들은 대부분 최적화 문제들이다.

만약 우리가 ”local optimal” —> ”global optimal” 이라고 가정한다면 그리디 알고리즘을 적용해 볼 수 있다.

Greedy Algorithm

Grabs data items in sequence, each time with BEST choice
thinking future.

→ Best choice: local optimal choice(O), global choice(X)

→ in terms of my viewpoint(intuition, heuristics 경험)

Good example of Greedy alg

→ MST(Minimum Spanning Tree)

Applications of MST

smartphone(IC chip), KTX railway, Network 망사업자,

→ 많은 문제들의 모델링을 할 수 있다.

Design steps of Greedy Algorithm

Ranking function

while NOT solved yet {
step1. Selection(local optimal choice, by ranking)
step2. Feasibility check(constraint, optimal)
step3. Solution check(termination)

Example with MST

Greedy_MST(input: graph G=(V,E))

F = empty set
while NOT solved yet {
select an edge e(local optima choice) -> ranking(scoring) function
if e creates No cycle then add e to F
if T=(V,E) is a Spanning Tree, then stop/exit

→ output: MST T=(V,E), F is subset of E

→ how to select e? makes difference in Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithm.

Prim’s Algorithm: node(vertex)-based approach

F = empty set
Y = {v1}
while NOT solved yet {
	select v in V - Y nearest to Y // selection
	feasibility test(cycle?) // Prim's alg에서는 불필요. 알고리즘 원리상 cycle이 생길 수 없음.
	add v to Y
if V === Y, then stop/exit

  1. Time Complexity T(n) → T(#vertex) = T( V ) = T(n) ⇒ O(n(n-1)) = O(n^2)
  2. Proof required.(반드시 증명되어야 하는 것은 아니다.)

Proof of Greedy Algorithms

  • Induction: 과정 유도
  • Proof by Contradiction: 주장을 부정하고 이것이 틀림을 증명하는 것!

Kruskal’s Algorithm: edge-based approach

Given a graph G=(V,E)

sort Edge set 'E': my ranking/scoring function
while NOT solved yet {
	select next edge 'e' from sorted list
	if cycle check: YES -> remove/pass else add 'e'
	if stop condition: YES -> stop else repeat

How to check ‘cycle’ in Kruskal’s ?

  • set of trees: Forest data structure
  • two key operations in Forest: find and union
  • find: root finding in a tree
  • union: connect two roots

—> find each root of i and j

—> see/check if the two roots are the same

—> if YES, cycle O, else cycle X and add ‘e’ then repeat.

Cycle check
e = next edge(u,v)
p = find(u)
q = find(v)
if p != q --> connect/merge -> connect/merge(add e to F)

Pseudo code of Kruskal’s

Given a graph G=(V,E)

F = empty set
create 'n' disjoint sets: {v1}, {v2}... {vn}
sort Edge set 'E'
while NOT solved yet {
	select next edge 'e' from sorted list
	if cycle check: YES -> remove/pass
	else connects two subsets, then merge them merge them and e to F
	if stop condition: YES -> stop else repeat

V = n, E = m
  1. init: theta(n)
  2. sort: depending on the specific alg: O(mlogm)
  3. while loop: O(m*alpha(n,m)) → O(mlogn)
    find-union operations → 연구를 거쳐 ”알파 타임”이라 부른다.
  4. remaining operations

After all, O(mlogm) dominates all.

T(n,m) = O(mlogm)

number of edges: n-1≤m≤n(n-1)/2

Proof of Kruskal’s

similar to Prim’s.

Prim’s vs Kruskal’s

기본 골자는 O(n^2) vs O(mlogm)이지만,

적절한 자료구조와 적절한 정렬 알고리즘을 통해

프림 알고리즘의 시간 복잡도를 충분히 개선할 수 있다.

이는 CS의 주요 연구 골자 이다!