About Graph Theory
알고리즘 디자인의 과정(솔루션을 도출하는 과정)
- 자연어로 기술된 문제를 접한다.
- CS를 활용하여 적절하게 모델링한다.
- CS 알고리즘 사고를 통하여 솔루션을 디자인한다.
1. Problem: described in natural language
2. MODEL: clear, easy to understand, communicate
- → mathematical expressions
- → graph model
- → probability/stat model(네트워크 전공 연구원)
- → linear algebra model(인공지능)
- → convex optimization model(최적화, 2차함수, 수치해석)
- → graph model in various applications
- shortest path, network information flow analysis,
social network services(SNSs), state diagram…
→ step-by-step procedure(순서도, flow charts)
모든 문제를 graph로 표현/모델링하고 답을 찾는다.
Graph Theory!!
Following content is a personal lecture note taken in Mathematics for CS in MIT
Graph Theory and Coloring
Graph Coloring Problem: given a graph G and K colors, assign a color to each node so adjacent nodes get different colors.
Def: The minimum value of k for which such a coloring exists is the __Chromatic Number(Kai) of G
Basic Coloring Alg for G=(V,E)
- order the nodes v1, v2, … vn
- order the colors c1, c2, …
- for i=1, 2, … n Assign the lowest legal color to v