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All Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) Problem

Floyd-Warshall algorithm(DP)


  • problem: given any pair(u,v), find a SP from u to v
  • model: on graph
  • solution algo: Design → Analysis → Best algorithm?
  1. brute-force, enumeration: O(n!)
  2. divde and conquer
  3. DP: O(n^3)

Wrong Approach

ex) D1[1,5] ⇒ 1번 vertex 부터 5번 vertex까지 가는데 ”1개” 의 vertex를 경유하는 경우를 계산

문제점: 고려해야하는 계산의 경우의 수가 너무나 많다!!!

Right Approach

ex) D1[1,5] ⇒ 1번 vertex 부터 5번 vertex까지 가는데 ”1번” vertex를 경유하거나 안하는 경우를 계산

Right Thinking and clever enumeration!!

Recurrence Equation

Dk[i,j] = min(k를 경유하지 않는 경우, k를 경유하는 경우)

Dk[i,j] = min(Dk-1[i,j], Dk-1[i,k] + Dk-1[k,j])


Floyd(input: graph D)

for k=1...

	for i=1...

		for j=1...

			Dk[i,j] = min(Dk-1[i,j], Dk-1[i,k] + Dk-1[k,j])

Only single 2-D array needed for the entire caculation

When compute kth iteration, only needs value from itself and kth row and kth column (not interrupt other values)

How to find shortest paths between i → j?

Use additional 2-D array P(for path) and save the ”k” vertex.

void path(index q, r) {
if (P[q][r] != 0) {
	path(q, P[q][r]);
	print("v" + P[q][r]);
	path(P[q][r], r);

Principle of Optimality

Which means the global structure has Optimal SubStructure

”All subsolutions of an optimal solution are optimal”

”Optimal subsolutions can build up a global(final) optimal solution”

If a problem A satisfies ”Principle of optimality(opt.sub)”

—> them DP provides the best design(optimal results)

—> (not saying DP is the most efficient design)

For example,

A problem of finding the longest simple path in a Graph

has no optimal substructure.

DP is also called Mathematical Modeling